Praise for the Book

“Michael and his family’s story has been such an inspiration to me. It goes to prove that God is still in the business of redemption, healing, and miracles. What an honor it has been to be able to share in even a small part of this story that I am sure will continue to encourage and change lives.”

Mac Powell, Third Day

“A must read for all in the justice system! I see in Mike Palombi’s story the troubled and defiant youth that appear before me all too often. How’s it Feel, Tough Guy? is a riveting account of why prison should be the last alternative for reform, and it’s proof positive that all is never lost. I will keep copies of this riveting memoir on the bench.”

A New York State Criminal Court Judge

"The honesty, humility and repentant heart of a ex-criminal and prisoner is so refreshing in Mike's story. So often similar testimonies like this are portrayed as one coming to Christ and they then live happily ever after. This is not the case in HOW'S IT FEEL, TOUGH GUY. The realism of Mikes struggle before and after coming to Christ is so refreshing and demonstrates that through perseverance and the grace of God there is ultimate victory in Christ. As someone who has seen first hand how Gods power can change anyone's life, Mike's is outstanding among them. I highly recommend this book."

Don Wilkerson,Co-Founder of Teen Challenge

“How’s It Feel Tough Guy” is must reading. Mike Palombi’s story combines raw reality with regal redemption. Life failure with love found. It is an awesome testimony to the saving and empowering grace of the Lord Jesus. Read the book and share it with others.

Dr. A. Steven Turner, Director of Chaplaincy Services                                                                             Georgia Department of Corrections

“What a powerful testimony! Mike is a trophy of God’s love and grace. I would recommend this book to every father with young children. It will motivate you to be a better father and perhaps save your sons and daughters from choosing the wrong path.”

Pastor Ray Tate Life Chapel, Point Pleasant, NJ

Dear Mr. Mike Palombi, The book, “How's It Feel, Tough Guy? reminded me of me as I read. It also made me look at myself in life. I saw that I was prideful and arrogant. I needed to be dealt with by God. I then went to God with true repentance. I then changed my actions not verbally, but physically. Your book has truly helped me life. Thank you so much!

Antonio, 10-year-old boy

"Tough Guy IS Mike. There is no separating the two. Without the book, you would never know what Mike used to be like. Seeing him today, you would never guess at the pain of rejection and disappointment he experienced as a child, the techniques he learned in order to survive as a young man, but which cost him years in prison….One could say that despite Mike’s bad choices, God had His eye on Him. God DID intervene miraculously in his life, and is alive in Mike today. The best part of the book is that Mike reassures us that God has a similar story for each one of us. That God has His eye on each of our lives. That He loves us despite our mistakes, our brokenness, and THROUGH it all.

Mike’s story is a song with high notes and low notes, but all along, we can make out the thrumming base-line that represents God’s faithfulness to us. Mike’s story is a beautiful painting, with variations of color and darks and lights. But through it all is the unity of God’s love, which turns the painting into a masterpiece. Mike’s story is a dance, shot through with brokenness and high leaps, but which has us on our feet yelling 'encore!' once the curtain falls."

Patricia Ayite, Denver, Colorado